Darling born and bred in Coimbatore. He belongs to an orthodox family. All his life, he stayed only with his mother and never stepped out of the town. But his friends were working in IT company in Bengaluru. He wanted to enjoy his life like them. He got a chance, when his mother had to go to Dubai to take care of Darling’s brother’s kid. So Darling got time to enjoy his life till his mother returns. So he travelled to Bengaluru and with the help of his friends he got job in their office. There he started to enjoy his life like never before. He found his childhood friend Nimmi who is leaving to boston, is living with his Girlfriend in an apartment. That time, he saw a girl in a sendoff party of Nimmi. She is Subbu (Heroine). when he enquired about her, he came to know that she was staying in that Friend’s house as a paying guest. As Nimmi and his Girl friend are moving to Boston, she is the only one who gonna stay here. So Darling used the situation and made a plan and executed it to stay along with her and he succeeded. He is trying lot of ways to impress her, Though Subbu ignored him at first. She started liking him slowly. This leads them to be in Live-in-Relationship.

One day Darling went to his home town for a family function. During that time, he was receiving phone calls continuously from Subbu. When he hurried back to Bengaluru he came to know that Subbu was pregnant. He casually told her to abort. But Subbu, who experienced motherhood for the first time, had mixed feelings and emotions, refused to abort. Instead she wanted to marry him and to give birth to the baby. Darling scared of his family and insisted her to abort. And also he don’t want to marry her since it creates a huge problem in his family. Both involved in a quarrel and she is stubborn in her decision. Darling tried to settle this thing with the help of their friends, but it failed. Later in an argument Darling slapped Subbu. Finally Subbu lied to abort. so they took her to the hospital. Subbu played a trick and escaped from the hospital. Darling and his friends searched everywhere and they couldn’t find her. Meanwhile she escaped to her maternal uncle’s home in Chennai. Except her pregnancy, she told everything to her uncle and told him that Darling slapped her. Her uncle who is a high court lawyer filed a dowry case on Darling, and his family and played some tricks to get Darling family arrested.


Darling surrendered himself in the court and from his side they were arguing that he is innocent and had no relationship with Subbu. Subbu’s family came to know that she was pregnant and they were shocked and stressed. Her uncle took this as an important point and made the case strong. To break this, Darling’s Lawyer told the court that Darling is impotent. The judge gave the bail and ordered for the potency test. First Darling team tried to bribe the concerned Government Doctor for the fake certificate, but he refused to do so. Now they have no other way except, really making Darling, an impotent. By the suggestion of an oldman, they took Darling to a varma Doctor, who can do varma methods to make him impotent temporarily. The varma Doctor did some varma and made him impotent. Now the same Government doctor checked Darling and the test results confirmed him as impotent. In that night, his childhood friend Nimmi arrived from Boston and met Darling. He quarreled with Darling and made him to realize that Subbu really loves him. On the day of verdict, Darling wanted to reunite with Subbu. As all know, the verdict was in favor of him and everyone got released from the case. When Darling approached subbu and said ‘love you’ for the first time, subbu rejects him.


Film Name
Romance Drama
Release Date
3rd December 2021
Produced by
Axess Film Factory
G. Dilli Babu
Writer & Director
Sathish Selvakumar
GV Prakash, Divyabharathi, Munishkanth, Bagavathi Perumal, Myskin and others
Music by
Theni Eswar
San Lokesh
C Prabhu
Resol FX
Sound & Mixing
Sync Cinema
Prism & Pixel




