A corpse is wrapped in white cloth and taken away in an ambulance while a team of forensics investigates a scene of crime. Barath, a call taxi driver is arrested and brought into the police station where is interrogated for speeding. Barath in the police station recognizes another guy, Natesan being interrogated and becomes paranoid. Once he is let go, he carefully walks out of the police station as Natesan is still being interrogated. He walks out of the police station recalling the events that had shaped that night bringing him to this breaking point.

Barath arrives at his girlfriend Susila’s house, who is all dressed to attend a wedding ceremony; he drops her off in his cab. Susila and her friends are forced to take another cab while returning as Barath had to take his sick roommate to the hospital. While returning in the car Susila reveals to her friend that she is yet to speak to her father about getting married to Barath, who she thinks would have second thoughts about her marrying a cab driver. As her friends get down, she awaits her destination alone with the cabbie, who decides to take advantage of the night and isolation; she screams for help and a passing car driven by Ganesh notices and rescues her.


Susila as a home nurse frequently visits her friend Roopala’s house, whose father-in-law requires medical attention. Roopala is married to a rich businessman Vasanth; and Roopala is worried about their disastrous marriage life and seeks solace from Susila.


Susila and Ganesh randomly meet on the road and Susila returns a “Gun-shaped” pendrive to Ganesh telling him he had missed it the other night while rescuing her. On Another day they meet in a cinema theatre where Ganesh claims to have been stalking Susila and further tries to take advantage of her’ Ganesh gets away before Barath could intervene the situation.


Susila’s friends call Barath to inform him of the stalker from the theater who they have spotted in a showroom; Barath driving a passenger (Anita) rushes there but Ganesh gets away. Susila convincing an emotionally stressed Roopala, takes her to a psychiatrist, who concludes the session by saying that her husband is her cure. Barath and Ganesh meet each other in a mechanic shop unaware of each other’s role in Susila’s life. Susila who arrives there to meet Barath, deliberately reveals her relationship to get back at Ganesh. Ganesh stalks her from the mechanic shed and reveals his sexual inclination towards her; a disgusted Susila slaps her and rides away. Meanwhile, Barath picks up a writer, Vaijayanthi from an art gallery, claims to be a big fan of her work and asks about her husband’s mysterious death; not paying heed to his questions she is intrigued by a passing sport’s bike similar to that of Ganesh.


In a textile showroom Barath and Susila accidentally meet Maya, an accomplice of Anita. Right then, Maya points out Susila to Anita revealing her boyfriend Ganesh stalking her. Susila on broad day light is kidnapped by a random stranger, only to be revealed that he is an accomplice of the cabbie who tried to molest her earlier. Barath rushes to her rescue after receiving an intimidating call from the kidnapper. Ganesh daringly confronts Susila in the hospital leaving her unconscious with a death threat to Barath. While Susila finally reveals about her stalker to Barath, they both watch a desperate Roopala walking towards the sea, Barath rescues her and finds that she was being blackmailed for money by a stalker herself with a scandal video. Susila confirms the identity of Roopala’s stalker being her own and Barath leaves for him.


As Barath walks through the street to get to his house, he finds another guy (Murugesan) walking out. Murugesan, a middle aged wealthy businessman along with Ganesh waits for Anita in a restaurant. Anita who is dropped by Barath walks in and seduces Murugesan, who takes them both back to his place and is robbed. Murugesan Spots Ganesh on the road while being slapped by Susila and follows him to his place. Murugesan after a lot of thinking decides to get back at Ganesh and goes to that place again, this time with a gun. After Murugesan walks out startled Barath enters the house. Barath comes out rushing all the while Natesan watching him, takes his car and drives away only to find Murugesan driving parallel to him; a paranoid Murugesan on seeing Barath races away, and a chase ensues. Barath looses Murugesan to the traffic light and is arrested for speeding. Barath and Natesan are both co-incidentally brought to the same police station; In the present while Barath is let go, he forgets his things in the station and walks away, while coming back to retrieve them, he is identified by Natesan and Barath flees the station and the police go after him. In the middle of the night all the while raining, Barath seeks refuge at writer Vijayanthi’s house convincing her that he is not guilty. Barath reveals to Vijayanthi the identity of the corpse to be Maya, an accomplice of Anita and Ganesh and that there was a gun and a knife lying next to her.


On the same night after the police investigation, Ganesh visits Maya’s house to retrieve a “Gun Shaped” pendrive with Roopala’s footage and is startled by Barath’s presence ensuing a fight between the two that leaves Barath unconscious. Barath wakes up to find the pendrive missing and using a computer tracks down Murugesan’s address. Barath Interrogates Murugesan and threatens him to turn him over to the police. Murugesan reveals another guy being there that beat him up inside the house and tells him how Ganesh and Anita had robbed him earlier. Barath finds a CCTV camera across Murugesan’s house and identifies the car that Ganesh and Anita had come in.


Barath gets to the RTO where his friend worked only to watch him getting arrested, but grabs the details of the vehicle anyway. Worried about Susila, Barath goes to the hospital she works in to find that she had been taken away by some lady, possibly the police. He calls Roopala seeking help to find Susila. Meanwhile, Susila is tortured by the police and is released and taken to a hospital once a higher official intervenes. A constable in charge of Susila takes an auto to the writer Vijayanthi’s place; Vijayanthi seeming to show an interest in the case collects all the details relating to it exchanging money. Meanwhile, Susila manages to slip away from the police in the hospital.


The address takes Barath to Naren, a rich businessman, and is revealed to be the same guy that offered Murugesan a lift to Ganesh’s house the other day. Barath confronts him, and Naren in a series of flashbacks reveals how he was cheated by a seducing Maya and how he was robbed by Ganesh and that he had gone there to kill them. It is also revealed that Murugesan had in deliberately led Naren to Maya’s house. Naren while narrating his visit to the house reveals that there was another guy that rushed away in an auto-rickshaw before him and that he couldn’t recognize him ruling out the fact Ganesh being that person.


Barath and Murugesan go to the auto stand near Maya’s House assuming he could have caught the auto rickshaw there and upon further investigation it is revealed that the anonymous person would have travelled with “Palraj”. Upon finding Palraj, he reveals that he dropped off this guy near his broken Vehicle. Susila escaping from the police incidentally happens to be on Palraj’s auto and is reunited with Barath. Barath sending her away tracks down the anonymous person with the identity of the broken car, revealing it to be Vasanth, Roopala’s husband.


Vasanth was seduced by Anita, and is being blackmailed by Ganesh. Vasanth knowing the true nature of Anita threatens to kill her rather than paying up, Ganesh intervenes and beats him up. A frustrated Vasanth decides to kill them and ends up at Maya’s house on that night. In the present, Barath standing outside his house realizes something and breaks in, and overhears Roopala speaking with Anita. Barath confronts her to reveal that she had planned the whole thing, Involving Anita with Vasanth so that she could see some of that ransom money. Roopala Unhappily Married to Vasanth decides to separate, but knowing that she wouldn’t see a lot of Vasanth’s money she had orchestrated the whole idea. But, Ganesh and Anita had double crossed her making a video of Roopala and run away with all the money. Helpless Roopala deliberately involves Susila and Barath into this.


In the present, a stubborn Vasanth is startled and broken by the video of his wife and decides to pay up. Barath who had asked Palraj to follow Vasanth gets to Ganesh and Barath gets there as well. A fight ensues killing Anita and Ganesh. Barath explains Vasanth the whole set of events and with Roopala’s confession, the police accuses Ganesh and Anitha reasoning an in-gang feud acquitting Barath.


After a few months, a married Susila and Barath are seen, while Barath receives a call from writer Vijayanthi. She had called to request permission for a novel she had been writing about this infamous case and that she had tweaked with the ending. As she narrates, it is revealed that Susila had actually murdered Maya, while Barath and Susila discover a tape of Susila presumably taken in the hospital while she had been unconscious. She further narrates that all this while Bharath was trying save his girlfriend accusing Ganesh and Anita for the murder of Maya. Bharath shrugs off the subtle accusation as a work of fiction and requests that his girlfriend’s name may not be used in such a stained manner in her work. Barath agrees to sign for the copyright with this condition and goes to her place to find Vijyanthi murdered; just like Maya’s scene of crime, a knife and gun lies beside her corpse.


Film Name
Iravukku Aayiram Kangal
Action Thriller
Release Date
11th May 2018
Produced by
Axess Film Factory
G. Dilli Babu

Writer & Director
Mu. Maran
Arulnithi, Mahima Nambiyar, Ajmal Amir, Anandharaj, JohnVijay, Naren, Chaya Singh, Suja Varunee, Vidya Pradeep, Lakshmy Ramakrishnan and others
Music by
Sam CS
Aravind Singh
San Lokesh

Ganesh Kumar
Aksha Studios
Sound & Mixing
Sync Cinema
B2H Studios




