VALAIYAM SYNOPSIS Valaiyam stars Aishwarya Rajesn, Dev, Chetan, Tamizh in prominent roles. The plot revolves around...
VALAIYAM SYNOPSIS Valaiyam stars Aishwarya Rajesn, Dev, Chetan, Tamizh in prominent roles. The plot revolves around...
URUMEEN SYNOPSIS It is about the betrayal of a friend who takes revenge for three generations....
RAATCHASAN SYNOPSIS Protagonist of the story Arun Kumar is an aspiring filmmaker. In his pursuit of...
MARAKATHA NAANAYAM SYNOPSIS In 1200 A.D., The King Irumporai who ruled Pallava Empire, had a powerful...
IRAVUKKU AAYIRAM KANGAL SYNOPSIS A corpse is wrapped in white cloth and taken away in an...
OH MY KADAVULEY SYNOPSIS Arjun and Anu are best friends from childhood.. When Anu’s father suggests...
BACHELOR SYNOPSIS Darling born and bred in Coimbatore. He belongs to an orthodox family. All his...
MIRAL SYNOPSIS Rama is going through a mental breakdown and is taken good care of by...
KALVAN SYNOPSIS Kalvan stars G.V. Prakash Kumar, G Gnanasambandam, and P. Bharathiraja in prominent roles. The...